An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at Crowthorne Choral Society without having to regularly visit the website.
To make use of an RSS feed, you need some "feed reader" (or "aggregator") software. Most modern web browsers have feed readers built in.
The RSS feeds for Crowthorne Choral Society are listed below...
You are welcome to join us for a 'Taster Session', no audition required. We hold rehearsals each Monday evening during school term time with a break at half term.
ClickHERE to choose a rehearsal date from our Event Calendar, available rehearsal dates will be shown. Then click on your required date and click again on the ‘Buy Tickets’ link to book your taster session.
Rehearsals are usually held in the Old Gym at Wellington College from 19:30 to 21:30. If not, we will be at a venue a few metres away. If you let us know that you are coming (email and can arrive by 19:15, we will make sure that there is someone to greet you. The Old Gym is about 200 m from the main car park. Please ask at Wellington College security for directions if you are unsure.
Music will be provided for the evening. You will be introduced to one of the committee and, since we generally sing in four parts, your part rep. (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). If you are not sure you can make a guess and see how you get on.
If you have not sung in a choir for some time, or never, do not worry. Whilst many of our members are seasoned choral singers, there are many who joined with little or no experience or ability to read music. They are now valued members of the group.
We are very happy for you to come along and try us out for a taster session of up to two rehearsals before deciding to join us. Bring your own mug and 30p for refreshments during the break. If you do wish to join us, click HERE for details on Becoming a Member.