Musical Director


Simon Williamson was Head Chorister at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford in the days of the magnificent recordings of the choir with the Academy of Ancient Music.  This influence of daily services and Proms, tours and broadcast Evensongs have certainly influenced his life and his decisions to perform, conduct and teach music.  Though the piano was always his main instrument (studying with Ronald Smith and performing premières of works by Alkan while still at school as well as Shostakovich’s 2nd Piano Concerto and Weber’s Konzertstück) it was the organ and choral music that drew him back to Oxford University and subsequent performances with some of the finest singers in Oxford (John Mark Ainsley and Roderick Williams to name but a few).  Simon has studied organ with David Flood, Catherine Ennis, Margaret Phillips and David Sanger.

Simon has performed as both a piano accompanist and organist in many prestigious venues up and down the country. As Director of Arts and Music at Wellington College, he balances the running of the departments with teaching, running ensembles and directing Crowthorne Choral Society, which he has done for over 10 years now.  His experience as a conductor includes directing many of the main-stream oratorio and sacred repertoire, as well as some less well-known items.  He is passionate about music education; hence concerts have also featured students performing and in recent years these have included violin, viola, piano and cello concertos as well as opportunities for brass, woodwind and singers

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