We had an enjoyably, lively family carol concert, at St John the Baptist Church, Crowthorne, on 7th December. Despite the stormy weather, there was a good audience turnout and they were certainly in fine voice when encouraged to join in with some of the traditional carols. Also a fair sprinkling of Christmas sparkles were worn to match the choir’s tinsel & finery. After the concert, generous donations were received for our chosen charity, Crowthorne Food Bank. Thanks to all who attended and to St John's admin team and volunteers for providing the facilities and the refreshments afterwards, |
We would like to thank the enthusiastic audience who attended our Choral and Concerto concert, in the GW Annenberg Performing Art Centre at Wellington College, on 15th November. The choir, in performance with the Wellington College Choir, Wellington Parent Singers and Orchestra, really enjoyed giving a moving performance of the beautiful Fauré Requiem, The concert also featured Vaughan Williams' Serenade to Music and an impressive Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto no2 (1st mvt) and Saint-Saëns' Violin Concerto no3 (1st mvt). Both these pieces were played by talented soloists who are Wellington pupils. |
A wonderful choral workshop was held in the Old Gym at Wellington College. There were over 60 attendees who enjoyed working through the Fauré Requiem, and singing the whole piece at the end of the day. It was such a lovely day & we were pleased to welcome old & new friends. (Hopefully some of whom will become new members of the choir.) The choir will be singing Fauré's Requiem on 15th November at Wellington College, along with the Wellington College Choir, Wellington Parent Singers and Orchestra. This is part of a spectacular concert which also features Vaughan Williams' Serenade to Music, Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto no2 (1st mvt) and Saint-Saëns' Violin Concerto no3 (1st mvt). |
Crowthorne Choral Society rehearsals resume on Monday 09 September 2024 at 7:30 PM in the Old Gym. We shall be performing Fauré Requiem this term. Please arrive in plenty of time so that you can collect your music. |
Crowthorne’s biennial Carnival started on 6th July with the theme ‘Surfing the Seven Seas’ . It has been a great success and culminated with a wonderful flower festival, at St John’s church hall, in aid of the RNLI’s 200th anniversary. There were some magnificent arrangements representing the theme of the seven seas, none more so than Sally Ballard’s ‘The Spice Trade’ for Crowthorne Choral Society. The sun, the open sea, exotic flowers & spices are beautifully arranged alongside CCS’s own mini trading boat. Well done Sally. |
The choir, in full voice, singing Bob Chilcott's Jubilate at our summer concert on 15th June, in the Waterloo Hall at Wellington College. It was a very enjoyable concert of 'Music for a Summer's Evening', in spite of the not so summery weather. There were readings of summer poems as well as pieces by Will Todd and Bob Chilcott. Well done to all who helped to make it such a success, particularly the talented young tenor and saxophonist from Wellington College, and of course thank you to our wonderful audience. |
Well done to all who helped to make our concert of Vivaldi & other Baroque Choral Works, on 16th March, such a success and, of course, thank you to our wonderful audience. |
From 10 January 2022 rehearsals will begin at 7:30 PM. and will finish at 9:30. We also hope to reinstate the coffee break. You can either buy one for 30p or you are welcome to bring your own if you prefer. We hope this will be helpful for most people, especially during the winter months. |
MONDAY 13 SEPTEMBER, 8:00 PM at THE OLD GYM, WELLINGTON COLLEGE Dear everyone, As promised, here is our plan that should allow us to attend in person rehearsals for the first time in 18 months! While we may not all agree with all the measures below (and we can’t claim that these actions will reduce the covid risk to zero), the committee has tried to come up with a workable plan that will enable the majority of the choir (hopefully, all!) to join us with a reasonable degree of confidence that we are doing all that we can to make our rehearsals as safe as possible. General information: (1) Our first two rehearsals will take place on Monday 13th and 20th September in the Old Gym from 8-9pm only while we get used to the new systems. All being well, we will extend the length of the rehearsals after that. We may trial running a Zoom link at the same time if enough members would like to join us this way - please let me know. (2) Please arrive no earlier than 7.55-8pm and be prepared to be shown straight to your seats. Please leave promptly at 9pm. A small team from the committee will arrive at 7.45pm to put out chairs which will be at least 1m apart. This team will put the chairs away after the rehearsal and attend to any other requirements of the college. (3) We will be using natural ventilation as much as possible so please bring the layers you need to keep warm, particularly as autumn progresses. (4) The Old Gym will be cleaned before and after our rehearsal. Please go straight to the Old Gym as usual. (5) We will be reducing handling of money to an absolute minimum so this term at least we will be adding the music hire fees on to the subs and requesting payment by bank transfer online or by visiting your bank. I will email you all with the amount when we know what it is. (6) We are required to keep registers for Test and Trace purposes, in case any member later tests positive for covid. Part reps will complete the registers every week rather than passing them around and pass them to me at the end of the rehearsals. I will be the central point of contact in the event of a positive case and will notify members. (7) We are planning to learn the Rutter Requiem for our regular Autumn concert, scheduled for Friday 19th November as you might have already seen on the CCS website. This will take place with Wellington students in the Annanberg which has modern, state of the art ventilation. We will be on a large stage allowing plenty of space for social distancing but there will be no pressure if members don’t feel comfortable taking part. (8) Unfortunately we won’t now be performing our lockdown/Zoom repertoire on October 2nd but we will be using some of it as warm up pieces for the early rehearsals. Simon will let me know in advance which pieces he intends to use and I will then email you. If you have not been part of the Zoom rehearsals, don’t worry - we will have some paper copies on the night. (9) Depending on numbers, we may have more smaller sectional rehearsals - but we will keep you posted on this. In terms of practical measures to reduce risk of infection, we would prefer members to: (1) NOT ATTEND A REHEARSAL IF YOU FEEL UNWELL WITH ANY SYMPTOMS - be aware that the official symptoms of high temperature, dry cough and loss or change in sense of taste or smell are not always present in vaccinated people and other commonly reported symptoms of Covid include runny nose and sneezing, headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. (2) have had two vaccinations and have a booster if offered (3) take a lateral flow test at home before the rehearsal - these are still available in boxes of 7 tests, free from most pharmacies and some test centres (4) use hand sanitiser which will be available at the entrance to the Old Gym - feel free to bring your own as well if you like (5) bring your own refreshments - there will be no catering for the foreseeable future (6) adhere to social distancing when not singing (7) wear a mask when entering, leaving or circulating within the building - but keep the latter to a minimum - you don’t need to wear a mask while singing but of course you can if you prefer (8) stay in your seat unless you need to go to the toilet or to go outside - this will also apply during the interval once we move to longer rehearsals (9) ideally one person at a time in the toilets - please follow the College’s directions which will be posted on the toilet doors (10) follow any directions required by Wellington College, these will be given by Simon (11) email me immediately if you test positive for covid following a rehearsal so that I can alert other members A full risk assessment document will be available for any member who would like to see it. Finally, it would really help if you would take a minute to confirm any changes to your address, email or telephone number since we last met in March 2020. Please also let me know whether you are intending to attend live rehearsals again or would be interested in accessing the possible Zoom link to the live session - or neither. We will be devising a seating plan to accommodate social distancing and an idea of numbers for each section would be most useful. Also feel free to give any other feedback or queries or concerns. Look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you soon, Christine Knox Membership Secretary |
Zoom rehearsals resume on 22 February. |